Make an appointment via our online booking system or call us on (03) 5222 4955.
Please call reception or use our online booking system to make an appointment.
For emergencies, please call 000 or call Barwon Health University Hospital 03 4215 0000
East Geelong Medical Centre utilises the National Home Doctor Service for patient care outside normal surgery hours. Phone The National Home Doctor Service direct on 13 74 25 OR contact Priority Primary Care Centre on 03 4206 7366 for urgent care not requiring an emergency response.
AFTER-HOURS FAMILY VIOLENCE – If in immediate danger, call 000.
The Orange Door (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm): 1800 312 820 | 83 Moorabool St, Geelong.
Safe Steps (24/7): 1800 015 188
Donec eros massa, gravida ac lectus et, pharetra interdum lectus. Sed vel scelerisque quam, id fringilla ante. Vivamus sagittis velit quis dictum ultricies. Quisque posuere rhoncus erat, sit amet aliquet augue.
Quisque posuere rhoncus erat, sit amet aliquet augue. Nunc eleifend ornare venenatis. Donec eros massa, gravida ac lectus et, pharetra interdum lectus. Sed vel scelerisque quam, id fringilla ante.
Quisque posuere rhoncus erat, sit amet aliquet augue. Nunc eleifend ornare venenatis. Mauris quis arcu et sem suscipit sollicitudin at quis tellus. Ut maximus ex semper, ultricies lorem in, viverra nisl. Proin lorem quam, tincidunt at neque et, semper molestie urna. Sed vel scelerisque quam, id fringilla ante.
Please do not enter the clinic if you are unwell with ANY of the following symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, or shortness of breath. Patients with any of these symptoms are requested to do a Covid Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) before attending a face-to-face appointment. Please phone the clinic before you enter.